A day at Delaware Park and Tift Nature preserve with the Johnson family.

What a fantastic morning we all had together! Michelle, Steve and the kiddos traveled all the way from North Carolina to have a family portrait session done. I met their family while photographing her brother's wedding a year ago and I fell in love with her oldest son, he was just bursting with personality and was such a joy to be around! I posted one single picture of him and the rest is history! 

We met at Delaware park in the morning and after the kiddos took advantage of throwing rocks, and playing in the leftover rain and mud puddles we headed out to Tift Nature Preserve to run around. Bryce hopped in the car with me and we headed out to the preserve. We talked about school, what he would be doing on his summer vacation and how much he loved living in North Carolina! I really could have just eaten him up he was so cute! We even took a selfie together!! Ahh too cute! 

My little friend Mason was only about 3 months old the last time I had seen him and he is too adorable for words as well. He had such a blast exploring everything there was to see at each destination and decided for himself that it was his way or the highway! We rolled with it and let him have some fun! It was really neat to watch him figure out the things around him, it's moments like these that remind me how fun it was to be a child. 

Michelle and Steve were so nice and I had such a great time being a part of documenting family time with them! I hope you enjoy this session as much as I did! LIVE.LAUGH.PHOTO. <3 Ariel